The Rock Cycle 1. What process causes an igneous rock to become a sedimentary rock? There are three steps. 2. What process causes an igneous rock to become a metamorphic rock? There are two possibilities, though they are usually both happening to the rock. 3. What process causes an igneous rock to become another igneous rock? 4. What process causes a sedimentary rock to become an igneous rock? 5. What process causes a sedimentary rock to become a metamorphic rock? There are two possibilities, though they are usually both happening to the rock. 6. What process causes a sedimentary rock to become another sedimentary rock? There are three steps. 7. What process causes a metamorphic rock to become an igneous rock? 8. What process causes a metamorphic rock to become a sedimentary rock? There are three steps. 9. What process causes a metamorphic rock to become another metamorphic rock? There are two possibilities, though they are usually both happening to the rock. 10. Can any kind of rock become any other kind of rock?